
FX Photo Studio for iPad: Amazing Filters, Amazing Facts

Posted in February 16th, 2011
Tags: Amazing, Facts,

FX Photo Studio HD is the large update to MacPhun’s already capable iPad print modifying application. There have been roughly a single gazillion photo-processing apps in the store,

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AT&T facts outage in San Francisco?

Posted in December 11th, 2009
Published in Uncategorized
Tags: at, att,

Reports are flying in — usi ng WiFi, we suspect — that AT&T’s having a bit of a data and SMS outage in San Francisco. Our own personal experiences confirm the d ata, although text messages are sending

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Google and TiVo sharer to analyze viewer facts, vend ads, obtain defiled wealthy

Posted in November 24th, 2009
Published in ads, data, Google, tv
Tags: at, def,

We’re actually sort of surprise d that this hasn’t happened earlier, but TiVo and Google announced a data-sharing partnership today that’ll give the Google TV t eam access to TiVo’s second-by-second

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Facts Propose Three Quarters of iPhone Users Upgraded in Foremost Five Days

Posted in June 26th, 2009
Published in Main news
Tags: at, bing,

Convincing customers to upgrade to your latest operating organized whole is customarily an employ in marketing, teaching and bribery. Not so with Apple , which got the bulk of iPhone

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AT&T In view of Cheaper Facts for Smartphones, Including iPhone

Posted in May 20th, 2009
Published in Main news
Tags: at, att,

AT&T is contemplating sacrifice cheaper facts plans for its smartphones, including the iPhone . The telecom companionship is rational round sacrifice a circumscribed

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