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CE Oh no he didn’t!: Netgear trainer calls ‘game over’ for Microsoft, Jobs’ ‘ego’ reason iPhone doesn’t await Flash

Posted in January 30th, 2011
Published in Adobe
Tags: await,

CE Oh no he didnt!: Netgear trainer calls game over for Microsoft, Jobs ego reason iPhone doesnt await Flash

Can’t say which Patrick Lo is the name which right away rang any bells around here. He’s positively not as tangible as Netgear, the company which he chairs as well as rules supreme. But child did he hit the radio detector screens this sunrise. Lo had plenty of critique to widespread around a Microsoft and Apple camps today during a press lunch in Sydney. Oh where to even begin? Let’s start with Microsoft, as well as Lo’s explain that, “Microsoft is over — diversion over, from my point of perspective,” when comparing Windows Phone 7′s chance to contest with Android as well as the iPhone. Doubtful, not with Redmond’s Windows 7 and MS Office cash cows fueling Microsoft’s heated desire to govern on the new mobile strategy.

Lo afterwards turned his sights upon Apple, carrying this to say upon the topic of Apple’s warding off to support Adobe Flash upon its mobile devices: “What’s a reason for him to trash Flash? There’s no reason other than ego.” Funny, we suspicion it was due to performance, confidence, and power consumption issues. Lo later combined, “Once Steve Jobs goes divided, which is substantially not far away, then Apple will have to have a strategic preference upon either to open up the height.” Classy. Hit the source couple next if you’re just failing to listen to how “closed” systems have been defective to “open” systems all over again.

Via Engadget


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