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Google pointer wakeup monitoring could change poke engine formula, substantially won’t

Posted in July 16th, 2010
Published in Google

Google pointer wakeup monitoring could change poke engine formula, substantially wont

For a latest development in Google’s mad quest for poke engine efficacy, a association was granted a obvious titled, in a necessarily wordy approach which these things have been, “System and process for modulating search relevancy using pointer wakeup monitoring.” Essentially, a thought here is which rodent pointer movements can be interpreted to gauge someone’s seductiveness, so Google would track a mouse as it moves in as well as out of predefined regions of the web page, or hovers over certain regions for the predefined duration of time. Apparently, a pointer is sort of seen as a surrogate for a eye, revelation the poke engine provider where your eye is erratic. Of march, there is plenty of math on a behind end, where a relevancy of those actions has to be dynamic. Or something. This baby was filed in 2005, as well as as far as we know this record hasn’t been implemented, so who knows if it ever will? Check it out for yourself by hitting a source link.

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