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LinnStrument multitouch song builder gets demoed upon video, grasps for investors

Posted in May 16th, 2010
Published in Amazon

LinnStrument multitouch song builder gets demoed upon video, grasps for investors

Roger Linn. Ever listened of him? He’s usually a man at the back of the complicated day drum appurtenance and a strange MPC-60, and he’s also a man at the back of a judgment you’re fundamentally peering during on top of. For right away, Roger’s job this beaut a LinnStrument, as well as there’s utterly the behind story to go along with it. The pattern began approach behind in 2006, with a idea being to emanate the full-on multitouch instrument with a capability to let one’s finger dictate volume, timbre, pitch as well as pressure. No disbelief, most have attempted to concoct something identical, but Roger’s find of TouchCo enabled him to create one sans the stipulations of imitators. Unfortunately, Amazon sensitively scooped up a startup in January of this year (to have this arrange of technology accessible for the Kindle product line), as well as in spin, shut down TouchCo’s impasse with a outward universe. Now, Roger’s being forced to reveal his unprepared work in hopes of attracting investors or unearthing another association which could mimic this arrange of awesomeness en masse. Jump upon past the break as well as crush play to get a improved idea of what a world’s missing out upon, and be certain to discuss it Jeff Bezos “interjection” the next time you bump into him.

[Thanks, Peter]

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