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Wolfram Alpha for iPhone Drops from $50 to $2

Posted in April 1st, 2010
Published in Phones

Wolfram Alpha for iPhone Drops from $50 to $2

When Wolfram Alpha first put its computational believe engine on a iPhone, it cost the towering $50. The world laughed, afterwards looked away, forgetful about it. What done this price even some-more ridiculous is that it put nothing of a knowledge nor a engine in your iPhone. A 0.8MB download is merely the front finish to relay queries to and arrangement formula from the vast computational mothership out upon a internet. As we need a tie to makeuseof it, and as the Wolfram Alpha site is optimized to look good on a iPhone, nobody bothered.

Now, though, the cost has dropped to just $2, as well as asif the Alpha group is suitably shamed. Actually, maybe the folks there have been just happy that rightaway at least one chairman (me) has downloaded as well as will use it. It’s still just a front-end to the man behind the curtain, though we do get the couple of advantages over the mobile web site, like bookmarks as well as the story browser. It is also the small quicker than a browser version.

So, if you caring which the many common age for people named Charlie in a US is 63 years (I’m not there yet), or which grassed area sorrel has a Latin name rumex acetosa, conduct to the iTunes Store now.

UPDATE: It seems which alittle people did buy a $50 app. If you are asingle of them, as well as you’re feeling ripped-off right rightaway, we can get the reinstate from a appropriately-named “I Wish My Money Back!” offer. Pointer up, submit your iPhone’s UDID number and some alternative details as well as you’ll get behind $20 or $50 depending upon how most we paid for a app.

Wolfram Alpha [iTunes]

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