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FirstView’s $95 Android / Windows CE PC607V tips the craptablet iceberg during CeBIT

Posted in March 6th, 2010
Published in Uncategorized

FirstViews $95 Android / Windows CE PC607V tips the craptablet iceberg during CeBIT

Doesn’t look too bad for the $95 Android inscription, huh? Well, there’s copiousness some-more where which came from. Sparse along the categorical halls of CeBIT are dozens of Chinese as well as Taiwanese consumer electronics resellers seeking to sell products to brandnew customers, and this year they sure loaded up a suitcases with poor Android / Windows CE tablets. For a many partial all these tablets (or small smartbooks) have ARM 9 or 11 processors as well as 5 to 7-inch resistive touch displays. While alittle like a FirstView PC607V inscription Graphic on top of have attractive skins upon tip of Windows CE, others from companies similarto Forsa and Huawei have gone with batch versions of Android. In law, all of a ones we played with felt chintzy, though it was simpler to reduce the standards when you learned they wouldn’t draw some-more than $150 from the wallets. We’ve got the hand s-on video with FirstView’s Android inscription after the mangle, though if which doesn’t fill your poor inscription needs strike a more coverage links for videos by some serious Android / ARM inscription lovers.
Firstview CE/Android tablets

FirstViews $95 Android / Windows CE PC607V tips the craptablet iceberg during CeBIT

FirstViews $95 Android / Windows CE PC607V tips the craptablet iceberg during CeBIT

FirstViews $95 Android / Windows CE PC607V tips the craptablet iceberg during CeBIT

FirstViews $95 Android / Windows CE PC607V tips the craptablet iceberg during CeBIT

FirstViews $95 Android / Windows CE PC607V tips the craptablet iceberg during CeBIT


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