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Saline Bird: motorcycle that runs on compressed air

Posted in March 22nd, 2011
Published in Main news
Tags: bird,

Saline Bird – an innovative concept motorcycle, the engine that runs on compressed air. Supporting frame of the vehicle will be made ​​from carbon fiber, which will reduce the weight of the machine and at the same time increase its stamina and strength, which in turn will make it possible to placing the rider on the seat of the most effective in optimizing aerodynamics. Tanks of compressed air to be placed under the chest pilot, about the same place where the gas tank of a motorcycle internal combustion engine.

I must say that we have before us not the first concept, using the air motor. Yet it would be interesting to see how to render materialize in the iron and see how effective can be compressed air as a "fuel" for transport.

The authors of the paper are: Charles Edouard Birch (Charles-Edouard Berche), Ugo Spagnolo (Ugo Spagnolo), Adrian Finesl (Adrien Fuinesl), Frederick Dobbelstin (Fr


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