Retro Light Whitens Foul, Yellowing Geek Toys


You don’t possess to be a smoker to understand the hurt of yellowing tools. Any beige case of a determined lifetime starts to darken and blot like an Englishman’s teeth, turning attractive retro tools into the tantamount of a defiled, leering uncle, something to conceal, not flaunt.

The justification? Retards. The ABS second-hand for these elderly machines was rendered flame-retardant with chemical treatments. These chemicals are the ones which origin this ugly yellowing and until at present the sole affixes was an equally unattractive overcoat of paint.

Retr0bright to the save! In a twisting narrative that started with German boffins and English Amiga nerds, it was ultimately discovered that bromine was the yellowing representative, and UV illumination didn’t aid either. The McGyver-esque reply is a assortment of hydrogen peroxide and a crash of commercial laundry booster Oxy. Color this on, attach the elderly computer outside in the old sol (or beneath a UV lamp) and some hours later you possess a gleaming snow-white machine.

The folks at the Retr0bright proposal desire vend you a gel, but if you really own elderly tools then its probable you’re a tinkerer already, in which instance you can build your own. Filled instructions are on the Retr0bright wiki, but the small formula is this: Catch a feeble (10%) solving of hydrogen peroxide, join a crash of Oxy, fasten and go away in the old sol for an afternoon. That’s it.

Warning: Does not labour on English teeth.

The “Retr0bright” Proposal [Retrobright via Lifehacker]


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